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About us


Sky Foundation (SKYFO) is an organization committed to the empowerment of young people and women in Malawi to take active responsibility for their lives by providing alternative livelihood options and placement. Faced with this mounting youth crisis (unemployment, school dropout, HIV and AIDS, Child marriages, Poverty, low participation of youth in local governance and Human Rights issues plus development) it is increasingly recognized that the livelihood needs of youth and women in Malawi must be addressed in a more comprehensive and systematic manner hence the establishment of Sky Foundation in 2013.We are a registered Organisation with the Government of Malawi.

Mission, Vision & Objectives

We have our goals to achieve

To grow the next generation of leaders who are value driven and sufficiently equipped to bring lasting change in their communities through mentorship, training and coaching

A society where youth and women are key actors in positive development

  • To promote sustainable health for children, youth and women

  • To mitigate the impact of climate change.

  • To create a conducive environment for underprivileged children and young people to access quality education.

  • To reduce the rate of malnutrition by improving food and nutrition security through promotion of diversified agricultural production and irrigation farming to enable multi-season cultivation.

  • To increase access to quality and appropriate menstrual hygiene services for adolescent girls

  • To enable children and youth have access to improved and appropriate sanitation and hygiene facilities.

These are the areas we value the most